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Wyowind & Solar brings renewable energy to any residential property. We want to provide the upmost positive experience to creating a renewable energy system that will work for your home, and your needs.
There are many benefits in having renewable energy for a residential property including:
Clean, green natural energy
Increases value of a home
Lowers utility bills
Energy security
Very safe
On a residential property when moving towards a new solar system, we would usually recommend a Roof Mount System. But occasionally a ground mount system can be useful. We can do both!
Simple put, there are three common types of solar PV systems, each one generating power but for different reasons. There's grid-tied, grid-tied with backup, and off-grid. It all depends on what you want or what you're needing. The term "grid" meaning connected to your local utility company's equipment.
Browse these options below to get a better understanding of what it is that you're looking for. Definitely ask us questions if there is any confusion on the system type. Keep in mind the quote is free!
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